
Showing posts from June, 2020

On the importance of using Docker 🐳

I have always talked about the importance of adopting agile methodology in analytics projects. With the fast pace of data acquisition and the immense volume of data points collected every hour in certain domains,  being  able to iterate and deploy very fast is a vital necessity in today's cutting-edge era.  fish swallows an Egyptian soldier in a mosaic scene depicting the splitting of the Red Sea from the Exodus story I wanted to share some thoughts on a very important set of technologies that are widely used in certain organizations in the automation, the deployment and  the running of robust and stable data products. I am most certainly sure that you have heard of Docker! That big blue smiling whale   🐳  Below, I will boil down in simple terms what is it and why I believe it is an important tool in the field of data analytics. What is Docker ? Simply put, Docker is an open-source application that utilizes the container paradigm at its...

Surviving a pandemic... Why some companies will not make it ?

Over the course of history, the world has been through various crisis and chocs. One of the oldest recorded economic crisis was the one that happened about 2000 years ago, in the Roman empire . It was simply caused by the loss of trade ships that sank in the red sea and pushed the prices of goods like ostrich feather and ivory, the crisis expanded to touch real estate, trade and agriculture. Laurens Mort de Tibère About the same time the great house of Malchus and Co. of Tyre with branches at Antioch and Ephesus, suddenly became bankrupt as a result of a strike among their Phoenician workmen and the embezzlement of a freedman manager. These failures affected the Roman banking house, Quintus Maximus and Lucious Vibo. A run commenced on their bank and spread to other banking houses that were said to be involved.  This situation caused the banks to push borrowers to pay back their loans. Real estate value crashed because there were no liquidity available and the rest is hist...