Market Analysis and Customer Segmentation Using Machine Learning Algorithm: Course Overview

As I have mentioned in a previous post, I will be giving a couple of statistical workshops and courses at the Higher School of Statistics and Data Analysis of Tunis this year.

The second course I am giving is about Market Analysis and Customer Segmentation Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Bellow the project description and some details about the goal of the work we will do this year.

For the first week, students were required to do some research about the following subjects:

  • Economy
  • Market
  • Product
  • Costumer & Consumer 

These subject will be our first into into the project. We will try to understand the economical context and what are the key indicators of and economy.

After that we will define what markets are, how they work and what are the differences between the different types of markets.

We will move on to analyzing the concept of "Product", the different types of products, the process of making a product, the life cycle of a product as well.

Finally we will come to our main subject which is the Costumer or the Consumer. We will give a clear definition of these terms, understand the basic concepts and roles of a customer in an economy, his relationship with products and producers, what does a customer do in different sets of markets, in different kinds of economies.
This will lead us to our next subject which will be "Marketing".
We will see some real examples of marketing campaigns by international companies and also local companies.

And we will start to get into more serious topics such as market and customer segmentation.

I will put weekly summaries of the work made and the progress accomplished and I will put updates and course materials here as well.

Bellow are some videos and articles we will talk about in the upcoming weeks :

How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did

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