
Showing posts from September, 2019

Fighting Churn and Building Loyalty [Part 4]

The Oath of Horatii by Jaques-Louis Davis. Louvre, France In this part of the series "Fighting Churn and Building Loyalty", I will be talking about the loyalty concept. It will be a bit longer than the other previous parts, because I personally feel that the area of customer loyalty is one of great importance and also of great complexity. The most important question to ask when working in the business world: " is my customer base healthy?" A healthy customer base is a very broad definition. Depending on the industry, and the different market benchmarks that can be made, each company could have a slightly different view on the health of its customer base. However, the most sought after KPI to measure the health of any customer base is 'Repeat Business'. This KPI indicates the percentage of your revenue that was generated by repeated customers. One would define a repeated customer as a customer that did more than one transaction over a fixed period...

It has been over a year...

Or more, i guess I decided to take a break from social media, blogging, sharing and interacting with online communities ( not a full break, because I did some stuff here and there...) And it was for an actual good reason. I have taken this decision because I wanted to focus on more important things. Not that blogging is less important. Indeed it is one of the few things that allow me to think about other things than what I do at work everyday. However, it is not always possible to find time to write, and I am not the kind of people to write about everything and anything. I'd rather not publish anything, than publishing weekly crap with no added value, copying and pasting stuff you've already seen somewhere else. This break was a true break for me to think, organize my personal road-map and objectives and build a clear vision of what may come. I have been successfully working on new things . I've managed to do a career transition from one field to new one...