On mindfulness

It does not take saying too much, introducing the topic or blabbing for 10 minutes. Mindfulness, straight to the point and in few simple steps:

  • Plan your day ahead. Your tomorrow starts today
  • Sleep on time, enough to get 7-8 hours of rest
  • Meditate right after waking up. 15 - 20 minutes should do the trick.
  • Breath & slowdown, having prepared for your day, no need to run after the clock
  • It is what it is, don't argue with what you can't control
  • Breath, deeply..., when bad things happen.
  • Exercise. Long walks are useful if you can't hit the gym.

I will comeback to add or remove stuff. Different things work for different people. Try and see for yourself.

Section and detail of the Column of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 177–180 AD, with scenes from the Marcomannic Wars
Section and detail of the Column of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 177–180 AD, with scenes from the Marcomannic Wars

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